
July 2016

The Union Leader Corp has moved its newspaper Distribution Operation from their location at 100 William Loeb Dr to 200 Perimeter Rd in Manchester, NH.

May 2016

Mike Reed, President of Stebbins Commercial Properties, Inc. is pleased to announce a five year lease of 2,800 SF at 58 Hawthorne Drive in Bedford, NH to Milestones Pediatric Therapy Center LLC of Bedford, NH.

April 2016

Michael F. Reed, President of Stebbins Commercial Properties, Inc. is pleased to announce the sale of 598 Daniel Webster Highway in Merrimack, NH from Brick & Granite LLC of Merrimack, NH to Larochelle Hill Investments LLC of Goffstown, NH. 

April 2016

Mike Reed, President of Stebbins Commercial Properties, Inc. is pleased to announce a five year lease at 470 Pine Street in Manchester, NH to Neurodevelopmental Institute of New Hampshire.  The total space leased was 4,400 SF.

April 2016

Michael F. Reed, President of Stebbins Commercial Properties, Inc. is pleased to announce the sale of 102 Bay Street in Manchester from 102 Bay Street LLC of Manchester, NH to Ben Gamache of Manchester, NH.